Consulting-Specifying Engineer most-viewed lighting articles in 2023

Read the best articles about UV lights, lighting control design, lighting budget and more.

By Consulting-Specifying Engineer December 1, 2023
Courtesy: CFE Media

Consulting-Specifying Engineer’s top 5 articles online about lighting posted over the last year covered UV lights, lighting control design, lighting budget and more.

1. Germicidal UV lights could be producing indoor air pollutants

While useful for killing pathogens such as COVID-19, the lights may cause unwanted chemical reactions and should be used with ventilation, according to an MIT study.

2. Developing lighting control design to compliment standard lighting practices

As a complement to other ANSI/IES lighting practice standards, LP-16 provides a roadmap for documenting lighting control intent and sequence of operations throughout the design process.

3. Using a lighting construction budget to select fixtures and understand color quality, part 2

Tony Staub discusses how a lighting construction budget requires careful selection of fixtures and understanding of color quality, while carefully navigating changing costs per square foot.

4. Avoiding total darkness in emergency lighting scenarios

Understand the NEC requirements related to component failure in emergency lighting fixtures.

5. How to design human-centric lighting controls

As health care projects become more patient oriented, human-centric lighting design and lighting controls are taking center stage.