Video: Arc flash mitigation

De-energizing electrical equipment results in the safest conditions for electrical workers.

By Consulting-Specifying Engineer October 11, 2023

Learning objectives

  • Understand major codes and standards related to arc flash mitigation design, such as NFPA 70E and IEEE 1584.1, plus other industry practices.
  • Learn design techniques, including pros and cons, that will reduce arc flash incident energy.
  • Use electrical power system software to simulate different mitigation approaches and system operations.
  • Know that mitigating arc flash through design is paramount to electrical safety.

De-energizing electrical equipment results in the safest conditions for electrical workers. However, in most industry applications, de-energizing the electrical system may not be practical, and in some cases, may result in an even greater safety hazard.

Reducing arc flash to electrical personnel is an evolutionary process. No individual solution will eliminate all of the hazards of working on energized equipment. Electrical engineers must understand the codes, standards and design requirements when engineering a facility’s electrical power system distributions for arc flash mitigation. The mitigation techniques involve taking steps to minimize the level of hazard associated with an arc flash event. Many factors go into this process and engineers must thoughtfully consider the design and overall mitigation strategy.

In general, owners, facility managers, engineers and contractors can all contribute to providing a safer place for personnel to work. The process starts with adequate and reliable.